Insulated gloves that protect against electricity are among the most important protective equipment for occupational safety. Insulated gloves are insulating gloves used by employees performing maneuvers at voltages of 36 kV.
Product Code: Insulated Gloves
Price: Please contact for price.
Insulated Glove Types
❖ Class 00: 500 V AC
❖ Class 0: 1,000 V AC
❖ Class 1: 7.500 V AC
❖ Class 2: 17,000 V AC
❖ Class 3: 26.500 V AC
❖ Class 4: 36,000 V AC
Insulated gloves that protect against electricity are among the most important protective equipment for occupational safety. Insulated gloves are insulating gloves used by employees performing maneuvers at voltages of 36 kV.